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Great web site

Reginald, [email protected], 18/09/2006 08:21:35

This website is Great! I will recommend you to all my friends. I found so much useful things here. Thank you.

Milary, [email protected], 27/08/2006 01:44:31

I enjoy your site very much! THANK YOU

Jary, [email protected], 26/08/2006 17:56:06

Very interesting website. Keep up the outstanding work and thank you...

Nicole, [email protected], 25/08/2006 17:31:23

Yes. Very good site! worth to visit!

que, [email protected], 27/07/2006 14:17:21

nice site.i will visit your site again, thanks

sanal, turkey, 02/06/2006 14:48:16

Hello friends! Really nice place here. I found a lot of interesting stuff all around.

Name Withheld, 22/05/2006 07:01:13

Hello friends! Really nice place here. I found a lot of interesting stuff all around.

Name Withheld, 20/05/2006 16:33:57

Good site!

Name Withheld, 13/04/2006 16:04:37

I have heard that there is a new radio station on the way for Durrham, called 'The Lounge' does anyone know what this is about? When is it going to start?

Please let me know

[email protected]

Name Withheld, [email protected], 10/01/2006 23:10:35

Wonderful design. Will Come to see the Updates!

Name Withheld, 19/11/2005 17:39:10

This is really great site!! Keep on doing great work!!!

Name Withheld, 11/10/2005 00:28:27

Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!!

poker, 23/08/2005 20:52:25

I too think that the site should be divided into two parts. Something like kids and teenagers. This would mean more information/activities for any age of person.
Also i would like to tell you that i think the site is a great idea and i heard about it from a newspaper!

Nicole, [email protected], Darlington, England, 23/11/2004 20:20:03

Web Administrator: Thank you for your entry into our guestbook. I am pleased that you like our new DCC kids site and if you have any suggestions for improvements please let us know. We in the process of developing a new site for teenagers, which we hope to have live next year.

this site is coool

grace lillis, [email protected], galway, ireland, galway, 23/10/2004 13:49:39

whats the point? no one ever reads or takes in our view all we get is information ie. phone numbers and why our email either doesnt make sense or isnt appropriate. pensions,tax,miners, ever thought about the kids who will one day be paying tax, kids who were brought up in a city which year by year is losing its historic atmosphere. you guys behind the scene of the council really have no idea what is goin on out there in durham do you? drug dealers inviting kids back to homes to score crack or dope is not your fault apparently according to the.... YOU!!!. well maybe if you concentrated a little more looking after the future generation instead of worrying about miner galas and stuff like that. im 15 and have few friends which do not smoke an illegal substances. so how about instead of spending your money ona massive big theatre whcih is useless to anyone unless you are 60+, or on a disgusting car park. or maybe even you guys could maybe try to improve the state of the bus station, ahhhhhh but wiat a minute, let me guess.... "That has nothing to do with you, and you cant help what types of people go nin the bus station" ???, well maybe if they had something better to do or something to look forward to in life rather than watching a miserable city day by day grow into a town of trouble, because maybe i am onyl 15 but i know a hell lot more about what is goin on in this so called "friendly town" than you stuck up people who think just because yuo drive a 4wd means you can look down from the gala theatre balcony with your little spoilt children pretending that just because we have a cathedral means that durham is well natured and perfect.YOU PEOPLE ARE PATHETIC!!!!!!, do something before durham gets worse and i dread to think what worse is. thank you.

Name Withheld, [email protected], 14/10/2004 23:30:44

Web Administrator: You have made some very strong points about what it's like for young people in Durham. The Investing in Children project, which aims to help young people bring about change where they live, would be pleased to hear from you and help progress your issues. You can contact them at: Investing in Children Moor Chambers 23-26 Front Street Framwellgate Moor Durham DH1 5EJ Tel: 0191 3867485 Email: [[email protected] Website: Investing in Children

hiya iv just recently got back from a holiday in Kavos and i met someone i think his name is Anthony Mackintosh and i know he lives in County Durham, if anybody could help because i would really like to get in touch with him plz email me thanks.

Haley, [email protected], Southport, Merseyside, England, 25/08/2004 13:28:00

I think there should be more hangouts for the kids so they are not on the streets when people complain about the kids

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:28:00

i want to know why it is legal for two 16 year olds to have sex and maybe have childen and also purchase cigarettes but it's not okay for 16 year olds to vote on the issues which are affecting them, such as thier children and cigerettes. What about the UN Convention on The Rights of the child? Article 12!

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

there is nothing good to do in ludworth there is no shop opon after 5 so do sumthin about it.

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

I am trying to trace a woman with the maiden name of 'Francis' and
wondered if you know of her.

The person I am searching for is a Jane Francis.

Born in North England, UK approx 1964,so she would be late 30's or
even 40 now. 1984 was the last time I saw her,when she was working in
Jersey, Channel Islands. I remember her once saying that her father
had something to do with a factory.

Any help even 'other' Francis' who may be able to help,would be much

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

you're jokes are so fuuny!

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

I think that the site should split into 2 groups, Teens and children. More info for teenagers in there section and more games for kids.
I think that all laws and byelaws should be put up on a section for teens.Especially concerning jobs.
+ more links wouldn't hurt

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

Web Administrator: Jamie Many thanks for your comments about our website. We are currently in the process of updating our site for young people and our aim is to split the site into two areas, as you suggest, one for teenagers and one for children. Your comments are greatly appreciated and we welcome your thoughts about the new sections once they are up and running. Watch this space! DCC Web Team

good site but put a bit more on for kids

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

i think there should be more keeping britian tidy and anti-bullying games.
i think this may help the bullying in schools and also to keep seaham where i live tidy as well as many other towns!!!

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

Although this topic seems to be overdone in this guestbook, I can't find a straight answer to any of the questions regarding it:when is durham council going to think about facilities for young people, there really is little that kids can do round here. I appreaciate that the warehouse down by the river is dangerous but skaters and bmxers need somewhere to go, if theyre not there their riding the streets, gringing ledges, etc. getting cautioned or arrested for simply being places to skate or ride and being accused of vandalism. I think you should atlest consider a skatepark in durham, and not in some far out villige with 2000 people and low land prices/demand that nobody can get to, in durham city. It would be alot more benificial to us than money losing projects like the clayport centre. also the cinema in durham was closed to make way for a bar - I guess that doesnt have much to do with you but still , its just less things we can do. Kids are, instead of going out and having fun, increasingly just going out to get stoned or drunk - I'm sure you agree with me that this is not good. So please could you tell me what you have planned for kids in durham?

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

Web Administrator: Jim Thank you for your comments regarding activities for young people in Durham. Numerous agencies including Investing In Children, Durham City Centre Youth Project, End House, and Education in the Community undertake work with young people in Durham City District. It would be advisable to contact these agencies directly to gain an update on planned provision and projects in the Durham City area.

Let'em view my msg!!! please!!!!

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

Hey ppl! Ne1 from SEDGEFIELD???? Email me!!

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

auson powers is a cool mo;vie i love it its cool

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

please email me if you are from there on know anyone that is as it important that i get in touch wit sum1 from that school, plz plz plz help

Name Withheld, 25/08/2004 13:27:59

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