Young People - Brainteasers

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there is nothing good to do in ludworth there is no shop opon after 5 so do sumthin about it.

Name Withheld, durham, durham, england, 22/03/2004 12:21:54

I am trying to trace a woman with the maiden name of 'Francis' and
wondered if you know of her.

The person I am searching for is a Jane Francis.

Born in North England, UK approx 1964,so she would be late 30's or
even 40 now. 1984 was the last time I saw her,when she was working in
Jersey, Channel Islands. I remember her once saying that her father
had something to do with a factory.

Any help even 'other' Francis' who may be able to help,would be much

Alistair DJ, [email protected], 05/03/2004 17:08:01

you're jokes are so fuuny!

flick, 25/11/2003 19:46:55

I think that the site should split into 2 groups, Teens and children. More info for teenagers in there section and more games for kids.
I think that all laws and byelaws should be put up on a section for teens.Especially concerning jobs.
+ more links wouldn't hurt

Jamie Kelly, Barnard Castle, Durham, England, 18/11/2003 21:09:11

Web Administrator: Jamie Many thanks for your comments about our website. We are currently in the process of updating our site for young people and our aim is to split the site into two areas, as you suggest, one for teenagers and one for children. Your comments are greatly appreciated and we welcome your thoughts about the new sections once they are up and running. Watch this space! DCC Web Team

good site but put a bit more on for kids

jessica, durham, england, 29/10/2003 20:08:48

i think there should be more keeping britian tidy and anti-bullying games.
i think this may help the bullying in schools and also to keep seaham where i live tidy as well as many other towns!!!

Name Withheld, Seaham , Durham, England, 05/08/2003 14:02:08

Although this topic seems to be overdone in this guestbook, I can't find a straight answer to any of the questions regarding it:when is durham council going to think about facilities for young people, there really is little that kids can do round here. I appreaciate that the warehouse down by the river is dangerous but skaters and bmxers need somewhere to go, if theyre not there their riding the streets, gringing ledges, etc. getting cautioned or arrested for simply being places to skate or ride and being accused of vandalism. I think you should atlest consider a skatepark in durham, and not in some far out villige with 2000 people and low land prices/demand that nobody can get to, in durham city. It would be alot more benificial to us than money losing projects like the clayport centre. also the cinema in durham was closed to make way for a bar - I guess that doesnt have much to do with you but still , its just less things we can do. Kids are, instead of going out and having fun, increasingly just going out to get stoned or drunk - I'm sure you agree with me that this is not good. So please could you tell me what you have planned for kids in durham?

jim, durham, england, 03/08/2003 23:13:17

Web Administrator: Jim Thank you for your comments regarding activities for young people in Durham. Numerous agencies including Investing In Children, Durham City Centre Youth Project, End House, and Education in the Community undertake work with young people in Durham City District. It would be advisable to contact these agencies directly to gain an update on planned provision and projects in the Durham City area.

Let'em view my msg!!! please!!!!

Nicole, Sedgefield, Durham, 20/07/2003 20:51:07

Hey ppl! Ne1 from SEDGEFIELD???? Email me!!

Nicole , Sedgefield, Durham, England!!!, 20/07/2003 20:48:01

auson powers is a cool mo;vie i love it its cool

geena, bishop auckland, 14/07/2003 18:10:56

please email me if you are from there on know anyone that is as it important that i get in touch wit sum1 from that school, plz plz plz help

kathryn, [email protected], 04/07/2003 23:48:53

Hi, I think the County Council should think about organising a weekly/monthly under 18's disco in Bishop Auckland, as there isn't much for us to do in our town on a night. I would appreciate it if you would take my idea seriously as I myself and many people my age feel the same way and would like something done about it. Thankyou

Catherine, [email protected], Bishop Auckland, County Durham, 21/05/2003 13:30:09

Web Administrator: Thanks for your comments. For details of events already running in your area check out our Community Information Database. The database includes a list of Youth Clubs and Associations, under the A-Z list. There are a number in the Wear Valley district running regular events for young people. However, I have passed your comments onto the relevant County Council departments for further consideration.

Your website is really good and helpful!

Rob, [email protected], 15/05/2003 09:45:37

Putting the faces back together is mint. the jokes are really good too.

Scott Hathaway, [email protected], Bishop Auckalnd, County Durham, Engalnd, 26/03/2003 10:55:58

I wold like 2 say hi to all the people at Tuxford Comp and Elizabethan High luv ya all xxxxxxxxXxxxxxxx

Bev, Retford, Nottinghamshire, England, 25/03/2003 11:47:35

wow wot a wicked site its top top i just wanna say ello 2 me mucca's iain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mad dave, Middlesbrough, Marton Manor, mucca 2k3 (uk), 13/03/2003 12:09:26

I would like to thank Durham county council for stopping gigs in durham in any venue they can find. If not for this wonderful action, the kids round here would have something to do, and local bands would have the opertunity to support some of the best underground UK bands around. Thankyou for making sure Durham remains dull, and all the kids have to do is drink cheap cider and take exctasy pills.

Tom, [email protected], Durham, Durham, UK, 08/03/2003 18:20:27

Web Administrator: Your comments do not make it clear exactly what aspect of this problem you are refering to. If it is to do with licenses, then I'm afraid that it is the District Councils' Environmental Health sections, and not the County Council, that deals with applications to license venues for entertainment such as singing and dancing. You also do not make it clear whether this relates specifically to Durham City or to the County as a whole, but below are the relevant contacts for the Districts: Chester-le-Street District Council - 0191 387 2202, City of Durham Council - 0191 301 8863 / 8791, Derwentside District Council - 01207 218 272, District of Easington - 0191 527 0501 (general number), Sedgefield Borough Council - [email protected], Teesdale District Council - [email protected], Wear Valley District Council - 01388 765555 (general number). Hope this helps.

i live in lanchester and in 15 i dont believe that i can learn with bad equipment and this streches to lanchester needing broadband for the school and the libary and also peoples homes we have to wait 10 20 time longer to get onto the website also the school has a special agree ment with BT and that is costing the school alot of money

sam, lanchester, 21/02/2003 22:53:11

Web Administrator: In Durham the County & District councils are implementing a project similar to the lincolnshire model which has resulted in the creation of a broadband consortium 'DurhamNet', stage one of a county wide broadband infrastructure is being built and will enable the provision of broadband to business,education and community facilities in the first instance (from April 2003). Trials of household connectivity will begin during the autumn of 2003 in a number of locations(not yet decided). At the moment the broadband consortium consists of Derwentside District & Durham County Council with other districts suc as Durham City as yet undecided on their level of participation. the projects Progress will be updated on the DurhamNet website (live from 1 May 2003). In addition to the above initiative Durham County Council is engaged with BT and Government Office NE in an effort to work up proposals that would see every BT exchange int he County enabled with ADSL capability. Regards Alan Hodgson Director of E-Gvt Services

I collect scout on Stamps. Scout badges. Are you like help me to build my collection? You will send me scout on Stamps and scout badges and I shall give you stamps in same value and quantity in exchange.

Mahtab Ali, [email protected], Multan, Pakistan, 06/02/2003 02:56:44

I like the website, but County Durham isn't like it's shown on it. In my area all our council has given us is a new path and traffic island.
The kids don't like walking home on a night because there are a lot of drug dealers around and there's no-where safe for young people to go after school.
And every day we wait for the bus and it's full when we are coming home so we're somethimes left. CAN U DO SUMTHIN 4 US!

Sali, South Moor, Durham, Britain, 30/01/2003 10:02:39

Web Administrator: Investing in Children works to listen to the views of children and young people across the County and work with them to improve their quality of life. Your comment has been passed to the IIC who will be happy to get in touch with you to see what can be done. If you would like us to forward your contact details to them we will do so. Alternatively the team can be contacted at the following; Investing in Children Office, Whitfield House, Front Street, Pity Me, Durham DH1 5EA. Tel: 0191 386 7485, fax: 0191 386 7492 or e-mail: [email protected]. With regard to your comments about the bus route. In order to take the matter further with the operator we would need to know where you are travelling to/from, at what times and specific examples of where there has been a problem. This will enable the bus operator to properly identify where the problem lies and what actions are necessary.

I think this is a good website. For children.

Andrea ,, sacriston, Durham, England, 11/01/2003 15:26:17

Now, So much I don't like the County Council, and I probablys never will, But I have one Issue, Transport!!!!!, Sound Familiar, I bet it does, Now Durham County Council must be forking out hundreds of thousands, maybes millions a year in securing Bus Routes, now I understand securing bus routes is important because some place are just unaccessable after 6 O'Clock at night, but for once, Could County take their fingers out of their behind, and make cheaper bus fares for young people, as it would help the next generation of chilren and young people, Come on Durham, do something, follow the lead of Tyne and Wear or something, and it might get young people of our streets on a night and actually doing something, and then I might have some respect for the County Council.


Fozz, [email protected], Murton, Durham, 13/12/2002 02:00:44

Web Administrator: Thanks for your comments about travel cards. Young people aged between 14 and 16 can get a concession with an Investing in Children travel card. Our Public Transport section says: When comparing with Tyne and Wear, they are putting their support into school time travel rather than "free" travel scheme, whereas DCC's policies implemented through Education provide free travel to school where over 2 miles (in most circumstances) and the IIC card is directed at "out of school hours" travel. The Council is also looking to develop an "Under 14" card to address problems some young people have getting the half fare they are entitled to (due to looking over 14 etc). You can also contact Public Transport directly.

I think your website is okay, I have never vivitede Britain before but I'm planning to visit Durham next summer with my wife.

Robin, Moscow, Russia, 04/11/2002 14:55:55

I like the site on Durham it's good 2 c where I live on the internet

Name Withheld, Stanley, 24/10/2002 10:01:37

i like the rib ticklers

Name Withheld, 04/10/2002 09:38:05

I'm studying a Tourist in Poland and I want to thank you all for this cool site-it was very helpful in my project (I had to create my own,interesting coach tour and of course I chose England and Durhamshire!!!)I hope one day I will come here-I've never been in England...
If somebody wanted to correspondence with me-I would be delighted. I really want to catch a contact with somebody from Durhamshire. I promise to answer any letter

Lisandra, [email protected], Bytom, Poland, 27/08/2002 18:41:41


DEREK BISHOP, [email protected], MIDDLESBROUGH, CLEVELAND, 27/08/2002 02:29:18

your website is ok i guess.

aimee, -, 25/07/2002 17:34:03

Your website is cool our local council doesnt give a toss about us young people nearly everyone thinks that if your a teenager your a trouble maker but some of us aren't my twin Amy can be horrible sometimes and so can i but we're not trouble makers we're just typical teenagers

Amy & Jamie (twin bro & sis), Hebden Bridge, Halifax West Yorkshire, England, 23/07/2002 17:00:13

oi oi! this website is canny belter like, they shud be more stuff 4 ppl unda 18 round durham city, coz all we do now is get chased off the buzzies! big shout out to all the fram crew! ha ha

rosie, [email protected], framwellgate moor, durham, england, 30/06/2002 12:56:45

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