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Online Mapping

About the DCC Geographic Information System (GIS)

Durham County Council's Geographic Information System (GIS) is an interactive mapping service which we have developed to enhance our website.

The GIS allows you to interact with both modern and historical maps of County Durham and the immediate surrounding areas. It is possible to pinpoint features on the map or search for features which are near to a particular postcode, town or street.

Launch the GIS now!

Should you require assistance using this system, please refer to our online help pages or contact the GIS Team for further information. To assist you in understanding the technical jargon associated with our GIS we have complied a glossary of GIS terms.

Current Map Layers

The following layers are provided on the GIS system as a start and we will be adding additional layers to the system on a regular basis.

* Constituencies
* Council Owned Land
* Farmers Markets
* Household and Recycling Sites
* Housing Associations
* Job Centres
* Libraries
* Mental Health Day Care
* New Bridge Schemes
* Post Offices
* Registrars Marriage Offices
* Residential Accommodation
* Secondary Schools
* Welfare Rights Surgeries

System Requirements

Please note that the DCC Geographic Information System (GIS) is only available to PC users with Internet Explorer 5.0 or later, or Netscape 4.8 or later.

In addition, your screen resolution should be set to 800 x 600 or greater.

Please note that the GIS is an interactive mapping system and may take several seconds to download when used over a standard internet connection.


Please note that maps which are part of the DCC Geographic Information System (GIS) have been reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office � Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Durham County Council 100019779 2004. The maps held within are intended for identification purposes only and must not be used for scaling or formal documentation. Thank you.


GIS Maps

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Page last modified 06/04/2004. © Copyright 2004, Durham County Council
Developed by DCC Web Team